Established in 2010, the TCNJ Campus Garden continues to be led by teams of Bonner Scholars, with assistance of volunteers and support from staff members. Originally located between lakes Ceva & Sylva, the garden celebrated its 7th growing season in its current location across from the historic William Green House.
A typical growing season begins mid-February in the campus greenhouse with a variety of vegetable seeds among a dozen trays. Upon a successful germinating period, the seedlings would be carefully tended to by our Bonners, then transplanted to the garden after frost dangers have passed.
The 2020 pandemic thwarted our greenhouse efforts, yet we found foster homes for most seedlings. We also maintained a garden team (outdoors and physically distant) to transplant seedlings as well as direct sow seeds throughout the growing season. Many hours of weeding, watering, harvesting, composting, and other garden activities took place from March through October. Some of the best producers this season included kale, kohlrabi, string beans, and tomatoes. Next season we look to overcome the pests which limited produce for zucchini, squash and cucumbers.
TCNJ Campus Garden donated a total of 313 pounds of produce to our community partners at Mercer Street Friends Food Bank and the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen. Special thanks to our partners that support the garden: TCNJ Environmental Sustainability Council, Isles, the TCNJ Biology Department, and the TCNJ grounds / facilities team.